October 12-14, 2016, Des Moines, Iowa // Des Moines Marriott Downtown Hotel

Dr. Kofi Boa will be attending this year's World Food Prize.

2016 Borlaug Dialogue

The title of the 2016 Borlaug Dialogue "Let Food Be Thy Medicine," a quote attributed to Hippocrates approximately 2,400 years ago, best captures the ground-breaking achievement for which the 2016 World Food Prize laureates are being honored - the development and implementation of biofortification, breeding critical vitamins and micronutrients into staple crops, thereby dramatically reducing "hidden hunger" for millions. As the 2016 World Food Prize honors the impact of biofortified crops in positively impacting the health and nutrition of people around the world, our 2016 Borlaug Dialogue will include an emphasis on the crucial role of nutrition in global food security.  Other themes and highlighted speakers are listed below.